abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
It is with great pleasure that I announce publication of the 102nd issue of the Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Gdynia.
All these activities have brought about an increasing interest in the Journal which is attributed to the joint effort of several individuals, including the staff of the Publishing House at the Maritime University of Gdynia, members of the Journal’s Scientific Board, reviewers and consultants. I would like to express my sincerest appreciation and thanks to all for their invaluable contribution.
The latest issue of the Journal features articles devoted not only to sea transport but also the ones concerning the main aspects of the development of inland transport in Poland. The issue includes articles related to sea environmental protection, maritime safety, exploitation of port’s terminals and development of inland transport and transport telematics.
I hope that the continued improvement in the quality and content of the manuscripts published in our quarterly will contribute to the Journal’s accreditation by the few renowned science information exchange institutions, therefore, I kindly ask our readers to submit any suggestions that might help further enhance the quality of our publication.
Finally, I strongly encourage authors to submit their manuscripts for consideration by the Journal. In order to access the electronic version of the latest issue and the archive of earlier issues please visit our website:
Dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Przemysław Wilczyński

Collisions and Contacts at Seas and their Influence on the Marine Environment ConditionPages:9- 20
The Concept of Supporting System for Inland Waterway Navigation - Case Study for the Lower Section of the Vistula RiverPages:21- 32
Analysis of Equipment for Rescue Boat at Rescue Ships in Terms of Safety of the VictimPages:33- 43
Analysis of Application Possibilities of RFID Technology in Road TransportPages:44- 60
The International Waterway E70 Characteristics in the Aspect of Navigability Restoration of the Lower Vistula RiverPages:61- 69
Determining the Ship's Optimal Speed and Safe Track Selection on the Circle on the Narrow and Sharp Bend Fairways by Means of the Rate of Turn ROT TechniquesPages:70- 79
Wind's Wave's and Current's Influence on Safety of Tabker's Mooring in Oil TerminalPages:80- 95
Selected Aspects of the Adaptive Escape Route Designation System for BuildingsPages:96- 110
Sea Influence on Safe Realisation of Passage Plan in Navigationally Difficult AreaPages:111- 123
Bilge Keel Damping Component Prediction. Comparison of the Simple and Full Ikeda;s MethodPages:124- 141