abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
This special issue of the Scientific Journal is a collection of eight research works by specialists representing Gdynia Maritime University and Hochschule Bremerhaven.
In the current issue, we publish results of latest research from the fields of commodity science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and automation, as well as selected case study concerning the process of education based on using of simulation.
The current issue includes articles devoted to influence of the number of border rejections and official controls on the market, on the number of alert notifications in the RASFF, influence of the type of surfactant in shaping safety of shower gels and attempt of tea identification based on the beverages colour parameter.
The other article presents the problem of an adsorptive desulfurization process of diesel oil. The articles from an electrical engineering domain contain results regarding preliminary investigations concerning the influence of inertia moment and load-speed characteristics on currents. The last article presents problems related to the analysis of signals monitoring the operation of ship equipment. It also shows investigation of the usage of specific port terminal simulator in education of logisticians in higher education.
We hope that the interdisciplinary nature of this material will make it attractive to all our readers. We would like to thank all authors for their valuable impact in preparing the special issue. We also wish to thank all peer reviewers for their valuable work and help in improving the quality of articles.
Ireneusz Czarnowski
Dieter Lompe

Wpływ odrzuceń na granicy i kontroli urzędowych na rynku na powiadomienia alarmowe w systemie RASFFPages:7- 22
Zastosowanie biosurfaktantów do wytwarzania nowoczesnych żeli pod prysznic o podwyższonym bezpieczeństwie stosowaniaPages:23- 28
Próba identyfikacji rooibos i honeybush na podstawie parametrów barwy naparówPages:29- 40
Pages:41- 47
Badania wstępne silnika indukcyjnego zasilanego napięciem zawierającym subharmoniczne z wykorzystaniem metody polowej oraz polowo-obwodowejPages:48- 59
Obciążalność mocą silnika indukcyjnego w warunkach występowania odchylenia napięcia i częstotliwościPages:60- 70
Sygnały diagnostyczne na statkach z systemami dynamicznego pozycjonowaniaPages:71- 80
Pages:81- 96