abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
In the current issue of Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, four articles relate to maritime transport, both in terms of agreements in shipping industry, practical aspects in maritime navigation, as well as technical aspects regarding underwater vehicle’s thrusters and overhauling a steam turbine body. One paper concerns land transport and describes the Engine unit powering
a vehicle participating in the Shell Eco-Marathon competition. This Issue of SJ GMU is organized as follows.
The first paper focuses on the container shipping industry in Indonesia and its tendency to oligopoly. The author presents a game theory approach to show possible strategies and find the optimal cooperative agreement for the two dominant shipping liners on the Surabaya-Banjarmasin route.
In the second paper, the basic principles of practical aspects of using radar in maritime navigation are introduced and explained. Special attention is paid on potential errors and limitations, resulting among other from the author’s practice.
In the third paper, the project of a universal test stand for testing the parameters of underwater vehicles’ thrusters is described. This paper was created as part of research on design and construction of an underwater inspection robot.
The next paper presents the Engine unit that will power a vehicle taking part in the Shell Eco-Marathon competition. More precisely, it describes the process of designing a connecting rod and crankshaft made of Ti6A14V titanium alloy.
The last paper describes the technology of overhauling a steam turbine body after prolonged operation at high temperatures. Theoretical results are applied to overhaul the steam turbine body to operational condition.

Pages:7- 16
Pages:17- 28
Pages:29- 42
Pages:43- 53
Pages:54- 65