abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
Problems of advancements in signal processing, mathematical tools, and new methods of analysis applied in investigations of different industrial fields have been intensively explored in the last several years. This issue of Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University is addressed to widely treated aforementioned problems considered in the newly classified disciplines of science, i.e. automation, electronics, and electrical engineering.
The submitted issue consists of six research papers, specifically dedicated to such subject matters as examinations and measurements of electromagnetic parameters and properties of selected objects using the microwave propagation technique (papers [1] and [2]), examples of the use of electronic and power-electronic solutions in multimodal transport (paper [3]), and operational management of ports and modern container terminals with effective utilization of existing technologies and resources. The first paper [1] concerns the application of the waveguide technique to measure the electromagnetic parameters of selected materials and the second paper (paper [2]) is dedicated to simulation research of the electromagnetic properties of an ELC resonator in the microwave range. In the third paper [3], examples of applications of new technological solutions in the field of automation, information technology, and electronics in multimodal transport are discussed. The two topics of the next two papers, i.e. papers [4] and [5] are the following: paper [4] analyzes and discusses the evaluation of ship turnround time in ports with an approach channel and paper [5] presents the optimization strategies of container terminals. The last paper [6] focuses on an influence of voltage subharmonic on current of investigated induction cage machines of standard efficiency – IE1 and high efficiency –IE3.
Janusz Mindykowski

Pages:7- 13
Pages:14- 20
Pages:21- 30
Pages:31- 41
Pages:42- 54
Pages:55- 62