Optimization Strategies of Container Terminals


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7, Dvinskaya str, Saint Petersburg, 198035, Russia, e-mail: thunder1950@yandex.ru


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7, Dvinskaya str, Saint Petersburg, 198035, Russia


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7, Dvinskaya str, Saint Petersburg, 198035, Russia


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, 195251, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, Russia


One of the main tasks of operational management of modern container terminals is effective utilization of existing technological resources. The search for possible variants of terminal activity optimization requires constant analysis of transport process technology and development of technical and technological approaches to increase the effectiveness of resources utilization. One of the possible solutions provided by terminal operational systems is the application of different strategies of container stack organization and container selectivity. At the same time, the complicated character of input and output container flow makes the effectiveness of these strategies doubtful. The paper states that this particular manner of container service is different from traditional ones, i.e. FIFO and FILO. As output container flow is randomly distributed the manner of container service can be considered as First In/Random Out. The paper also considers different strategies that are applied in practice and analyzes its influence on the productivity of handling equipment. The results of these strategies simulation modeling are represented. The results prove that no strategy can provide a productivity with theoretical selectivity; any strategy provides slowed intensity of operations. At the same time, it is proved that the only optimization strategy which increases the productivity of handling equipment is the organization of terminal activity whereby containers can be selected from the stack not in requirement sequence, but in order of its position in a stack.

container terminal, stacking strategy, selectivity, productivity.
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Alexander L. Kuznetsov

Citation pattern: Kuznetsov K., Kirichenko A., Semenov A., Borevich A., Optimization Strategies of Container Terminals, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 115, pp. 42-54, 2020

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