Use of the Waveguide Technique to Measure the Electromagnetic Parameters of Materials


Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electronics,


Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electronics


The paper presents and discusses selected simulation and measurement possibilities of an upgraded waveguide measuring stand for testing electromagnetic properties of selected materials (including metamaterials), based on the microwave propagation technique. The stand is equipped with the CST Studio Suite software, which enables modeling and simulation of broadly defined electromagnetic interactions, and the N1500A Materials Measurement Suite module for processing the results of measurements of electromagnetic properties of materials.

metamaterials, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with metamaterial structures, waveguide technique, modeling of electromagnetic interactions.
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Internet sources

Magdalena Budnarowska

Citation pattern: Budnarowska M., Mizeraczyk J., Use of the Waveguide Technique to Measure the Electromagnetic Parameters of Materials, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 115, pp. 7-13, 2020

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