abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
This year's issue of Science Volumes brings together papers devoted to the issue of food quality, consumer awareness, stabilisation of microbiological safety and suitability of selected plants. The microbiological quality of products designed for children and adult consumers are presented in a report devoted to evaluating selected parameters of fruit mousses, including a discussion of potential hazards involved in their consumption.
In recent times, consumers more readily and frequently follow vegetarian and vegan diets. This trend has been acknowledged and taken into account in the "Assessment of the microbiological quality of soy cold cuts" paper. The correct perception of the microbiological quality of plant products fits the trend for studies on non-traditional foods that have enjoyed increased popularity with consumers in recent times.
Our quarterly would not be complete without a report on the use of hemp, which demonstrates that society lacks essential knowledge concerning hemp, which stems partly from the fact that the Polish market only offers dietary supplements produced from these plants.
The nutritional behaviours of seniors is addressed in the report on the 65+ population related to the food product market.
This quarter’s issue also presents an extremely valuable study concerning the search for the sources of phytoncides with specific biostatic properties, originating from fruits commercially available in Poland.
The issues addressed and presented here are a good representation of the current scientific interests related to the field of quality science.
Izabela Steinka

Pages:7- 16
Pages:17- 22
Pages:23- 31
Pages:32- 39
Pages:40- 44