Embedded Weather Station Data Distribution in a DataSocket Client-Server Network on the LabVIEW Platform


Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Telecommunications, e-mail: d.rabczuk@we.umg.edu.pl


The article presents a model of a weather receiving station comprising a microcontroller system and LabVIEW application. The microcontroller system is equipped with a receiving radio modem and is intended to decode the frames of data transmitted by a weather station used to monitor weather sensors. The decoded stream of data is sent to a PC computer via a serial interface. The data is distributed over the Ethernet via a LabVIEW DataSocket application, based on the TCP protocol. The data is saved to a text file associated with the local DataSocket server. The DataSocket server allows access to the data by DataSocket clients connecting over the local network. The DataSocket client application enables presentation of current and historical data on a timeline graph.

embedded weather station, DataSocket server in LabVIEW, client-server network in LabVIEW
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Citation pattern: Rabczuk D., Embedded Weather Station Data Distribution in a DataSocket Client-Server Network on the LabVIEW Platform, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 111, pp. 7-16, 2019

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