abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
The current issue of the Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University presents the articles of authors with various affiliations from Belarus, Bulgaria, Turkey and Poland and is organised as follows:
The first paper, written by an author from the Maritime Faculty of Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir addresses the ship demolition market. More specifically, the author analyses the differences between demolition prices in different countries and the influence of this diversity on the tanker ship demolition market. The paper presents a hierarchical structure in the volatility and information spillover of prices in the ship demolition market.
Analysis of structural-phase state and wear resistance of coatings from high-chromium steels is presented in the second paper. The authors, from the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, indicate that deformation-activated martensitic transformation in coatings of high-chromium steels, results in significant increase in micro-hardness and the wear resistance of coatings.
The next paper relates to training issues concerning the Electronic Chart Display and Information System, with particular focus on the type specific training. Authors from the Faculty of Navigation of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy in Varna present their insights and conclusions on the rules, regulations and different practices of conducting ECDIS type specific training, resulting from their experience as lecturers and instructors at the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy training centre.
The authors of the fourth paper are students from the SeaQuest Underwater Scientific Research Association at the Faculty of Navigation of Gdynia Maritime University. The paper includes remarks on climate change and working conditions in the region of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund. It describes the activities of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund with respect to changes in the climate, flora and fauna in that region. The authors present studies on the Hansbreen glacier and introduce research conducted at the Polish Polar Station related to climate change in Spitsbergen.
The last paper introduces realisation concepts of the idea of sustainable development in logistics, with respect to environmental protection and transport cost optimisation. The authors analyse the concept of sustainable consumption, as well as in the aspect of meat quality. One of the most significant conclusions of the analysis conducted in the paper is that the transport of animals is one of the most important factors affecting meat quality.
Agnieszka Blokus

Pages:7- 19
Pages:20- 26
Pages:27- 36
Pages:37- 49
Pages:50- 64