abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
Impact of Air Fuel Mixture Formation Method on Soot Emission Volume in Ship Engine Exhaust Gas
Baltic Public Fishery Academy, Kaliningrad University of Technology, 6 Molodyozhnaya, 236035 Kaliningrad, Russia, Faculty of Ship Engines
The paper discusses the mechanism and properties of the soot generation process for cases of volumetric and volumetric/film-based methods of air fuel mixture formation. Results of testing the impact of operating factors on soot emissions are shown. For selected ship engines, empirical relations between soot emissions and affecting factors are determined.
This article is an open access article distributed under a Creative Commoms Attribution (CCBY 4.0) licence
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