Operation ATALANTA at the Horn of Africa – the German contribution to the first maritime operation of the European Union

Frank Reininghaus         


The international community has shown that it can provide maximum protection from pirate attacks, with a coordinated use of available units, i.e. ships and aircraft, for monitoring the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin. The German Navy has participated in Operation ATALANTA since December 2008, so this article will evaluate the German involvement in respect to - the legal basis, quoting the respective UN Security Council Resolutions, - the tasks of Operation ATALANTA, i.e. protection of vessels of the World Food Programme and prevention and suppression of acts of piracy, - the organisational structure of ATALANTA, - the overall composition of the EU Naval Force, provided by ten EU Member States and Norway.

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Combined Maritime Forces - http://combinedmaritimeforces.com/ctf-151-counterpiracy/

Encyclopedia of the Nations - http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Africa/Somalia- ARMED-FORCES.html

European Parlament - http://www.europarl.europa.eu

European Union External Action Service - http://eeas.europa.eu/csdp/missions-andoperations/ eu-navfor-somalia/background-material/index_en.htm

European Union Joint Actions, in: Official Journal of the European Union - http://eurlex. europa.eu

European Union Naval Force Somalia - http://www.eunavfor.eu/

European Union, Mechanism for financing common military operations (Athena) - http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/foreign_and_security_policy/cfsp_... _implementation/l33281_de.htm;

European Union, Mechanism for financing common military operations (Athena) - http://www.assemblyweu. org/en/documents/Fact%20sheets/9E_Fact_Sheet_ATHENA.pdf?PHPSESSID= f3137d60

European Union, Mechanism for financing common military operations (Athena) - http://www.consilium.europa.eu/policies/common-security-and-defence-policy-(csdp)/ financing-of-csdp-military-operations

German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) - http://www.bundeswehr.de

German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) - http://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de/

German Armed Forces Dept. of Defence - http://www.bmvg.de

German Bundestag - http://www.bundestag.de/

German Navy - http://www.marine.de

German Navy, Press and Information Office - http://www.presseportal.de/pm/67428/ 1374839 /presse_und_informationszentrum_marine

Global Security, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/somalia/military.htm

NATO - http://www.mc.nato.int

United Nations - http://www.un.org/

United Nations Security Council Resolutions - http://www.un.org/en/sc/documents/ resolutions

United States Department of Defense (DoD) - http://www.defense.gov

United States Navy, Official Website of the ~ - http://www.navy.mil

Zeit Online; Fagotto, Borga, Musumeci; Der Admiral ohne Schiff, February 22nd, 2010 - http://www.zeit.de/2010/08/Somalia?page=all

All internet sources accessed between Feb. 27th, 2014 and April 16th, 2014

Citation pattern: Reininghaus F., Operation ATALANTA at the Horn of Africa – the German contribution to the first maritime operation of the European Union, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 84, pp. 134-151, 2014

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