Preliminary analysis of employing a chiller instead of the reciprocating compressor on board LPG gas carriers

Dariusz Nanowski         


This paper presents an investigation of thermodynamic calculations of refrigeration cycles where two ways of cooling down propane as a LPG carrier cargo are considered. On the assumption of some cargo loading conditions, the thermodynamic comparison of universally used reciprocating compressors and on the other hand chiller on board LPG carrier has been made. One of the main criteria to assess efficiency of used gas plant is coefficient of performance (COP). It is related with power of electric motors used for driving the compressors and cost of required for this purpose fuel. Additional issues considered are these, which are related to practical building and using the gas plant. A short analysis of two different ways of taking away heat from the cargo enables to make some interesting conclusions.

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Citation pattern: Nanowski D., Preliminary analysis of employing a chiller instead of the reciprocating compressor on board LPG gas carriers, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 76, pp. 69-73, 2012

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