abbr. SJ GMU
ISSN 2657-5841 (printed)
ISSN 2657-6988 (online)
DOI: 10.26408
For Authors
General principles of adoption and publishing of articles in Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University
- Articles are published in English.
- Articles can be prepared in Polish or English language.
- Authors interested in publishing an article in Scientific Journal are obliged to prepare the article in accordance with editorial requirements and providing the anonymity of the author of article being evaluated - the article review process takes place in the so-called "double-blind review process".
- Number of pages of the article prepared in accordance with the requirements should be not less than 10 and no more than 15 pages, in B-5 format.
- Non-compliant articles will be rejected.
- Author submitting the article for publication is required to submit a Declaration of Authorship (downloaded from the journal's website), which also identifies the contributions to the article of individual authors and their affiliation, provides information on the article funding as well as the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure). In addition, author declares that the work was not previously published and was not submitted for publication in another journal.
- There is no fee for the publication of articles.
- Authors are expected to send their articles electronically to email address of the relevant Subject Area Editor:
PhD., D.Sc. Agnieszka Blokus-Dziula, Assoc. Prof. of GMU
Scope: navigation and maritime transport
Prof. PhD., D.Sc., Eng. Janusz Mindykowski
Scope: electrical engineering and electronics
PhD., D.Sc., Eng. Robert Starosta, Assoc. Prof. of GMU
Scope: mechanics and technics
PhD., D.Sc., Eng. Agnieszka Rybowska, Assoc. Prof. of GMU
Scope: commodity science, economics and other areas of an interdisciplinary nature
Submission of an article
Author willing to publish an article in the Scientific Journal of GMU is requested to send the following set of files to the Subject Area Editor.
- An article prepared in English or Polish according to guidelines and editorial requirements, with an indication of subject and areas for qualification of the article.
- The completed and signed scan of the copyright declaration (Declaration of Authorship) in which author submitting the article discloses contribution of each author and affiliation, indicates the source of funding of article, and declares that the work has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication in any other journal. Original copy of the aforementioned statement should be sent electronically to the Editor once the article is accepted for publishing. This is a basic requirement concerning publishing an article on SJ GMU.
Review procedure
- The submitted articles are first evaluated by the Editorial Board, which makes preliminary assessment of the article content, appropriately assigns article to the area of subject and assesses it in a formal way.
- After a positive initial substantive evaluation and formal assessment, the article is sent for review:
- there are at least two independent reviewers from different than author’s organizational unit,
- in justified cases article may be directed to a third review,
- in case of articles in English, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated in a foreign institution other than the author’s affiliation,
- the article is reviewed in a double-blind review process, i.e. author and reviewers are unfamiliar with each other’s identity, or if the reviewer is familiar with the names of authors, he submits a Conflict of Interest Statement,
- reviewer evaluates the article according to the guidelines of review form and issues an assessment of article with recommendation to accept the article, to reject it, or to accept subject to revision,
- the names of reviewers are not disclosed.
- The Editorial Board, basing on the review, issues one of the following recommendations:
- Accepted – article is recommended for publication. Author will be asked to submit an article in print-ready file. If the opinion is positive but reviewer indicates the need for changes and corrections, author is obliged to comment on it and introduce suggested amendments, if applicable.
- Accept subject to revision - the article requires changes and author is requested to make changes in accordance with the comments of reviewers. Once the changes have been introduced, the article shall be re-submitted along with author's reply to the reviewer's questions and comments.
- Rejected - article has been rejected and will not be published.
- In case of a recommendation “Accept subject to revision”, author should revise the article according to recommendations of reviewer and then re-send the corrected article with author’s comments on reviewers' opinions.
- The final decision to accept article for publishing in a special edition of SJ GMU is made by the Editorial Board.
Submission of article accepted for publication
Author whose article has been accepted for publication in SJ GMU are informed about its acceptance for printing in a specified year. The article will be published in a given issue, provided that author sends to editor the final version of article meeting editorial requirements, and the Declaration of Authorship completed and signed by the author.