Risk Related Incorrect Decompression, Stage Ascent Procedures with the Use of Decompression Tables as a type of Preventive Actions Against the Effects of Decompression


Student Special Interest Group of Underwater Research ‘SeaQuest’, Gdynia Maritime University, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland,
e-mail: kasiamielniczek10@gmail.com


Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation


The article presents what decompression is, how to perform it correctly using dive ascent tables, and the typical symptoms of decompression sickness. The article also describes typical diving accidents caused by poorly planned diving without decompression stops being performed. The article emphasises that important factors that contribute to diving safety are: proper training of the diver, a properly prepared diving plan including decompression stops, the diver’s mental state and their so-called adaptive training which helps the diver to manage stress in hyperbaric conditions, preparing their body to undergo correct decompression.

decompression, diving, staged ascent, symptoms
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Katarzyna Mielniczek

Citation pattern: Mielniczek K., Rutkowski G., Risk Related Incorrect Decompression, Stage Ascent Procedures with the Use of Decompression Tables as a type of Preventive Actions Against the Effects of Decompression, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 125, pp. 54-65, 2023

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