Comparative study of sensory properties and color in different coffee samples depending on the degree of roasting


According to market research on Polish consumers, color and aromatic components are very important in coffee beverages as they are the main constituents of the sensory experience of coffee drinkers. This study investigated the impact of degree of roasting on the evolution of coffee sensory features. Furthermore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between selected sensory parameters and L*a*b color values. The aroma profiles of coffee beverages were influenced by the degrees of roasting the coffee beans. Our study showed that there is evolution and change in the aroma characteristics from light to dark roasting coffee. Furthermore, our data do not show the significant correlation between selected sensory attributes and color parameters L*, a*, b.

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Citation pattern: Dmowski P., Dąbrowska NULL, Comparative study of sensory properties and color in different coffee samples depending on the degree of roasting, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, No. 84, pp. 28-36, 2014

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